Help Center
Thank you for your interest in Automated Traffic. Please take a quick look at these frequently asked questions, as they will most likely cover your inquiry.
If your question is not covered below, please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on our helpdesk link.
Where do I log into the site?
You can access your membership by going to the main URL:
or to this page:
I recommend that you save these URLs in your favorites and also write them down.
I lost my password. How do I find it?
Just go to the login page and use the "Forgot password?" feature and your password will be sent to you:
Do I need my own web site?
Yes and no. For some of the scripts, you will need your own websites. Some you can use free sites such as Other scripts do not need a website at all.
Where should I begin?
To get started off on the right foot, take advantage of the training videos provided right inside your member's area.
Are there any special skills required?
No, if you can follow simple instructions, you can be successful using any and all of the scripts you’ll find at the site. We encourage you to take the site for a test drive and see for yourself! We have Training Videos showing you and telling you exactly how to do every step.
I clicked on my "New Messages", but then clicked away from them. Where did they go?
Any "New Messages" that show up on the site when you log in can also be found up and to the right under "Messages".
Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes, we do have an affiliate program. You will be promoting this product through ClickBank. Your link will be:
You will replace the "xxxxx" with your ClickBank ID. Don't have a ClickBank ID? See "How do I sign up for a Free ClickBank Account and get a ClickBank ID?" below.
You can find all the affiliate tools information by going to:
How do I sign up for a Free Clickbank Account and get a Clickbank ID?
To sign up for an account, go to:
Click on the "More Details…" link under "Promote Products & Earn Commission Today!". Click on the "Sign Up as a ClickBank affiliate" link. After you fill in your contact info, you will "Select a nickname for your new account". The nickname you choose will be the "ClickBank ID" for your account.
How do I make money from promoting this site?
When your visitor clicks on your affiliate link to Automated Traffic ( - don't forget to fill in the "xxxxx" with your ClickBank ID), you will get paid when they sign up as a member and also if they purchase any of the upgrades.
How much are affiliate commissions?
You have the opportunity to make commissions on a number of different levels. You will make 50% on the front end of $67 (sign up) and then $37/month. There are also three upsells where you will also earn 50% on every level.
How often do I get paid?
You will be paid by ClickBank and the frequency and payment threshold will depend on how you set up your account. Below is information from ClickBank's site regarding "Paychecks":
Getting paid is the best part of being a ClickBank affiliate or vendor! So remember, if you receive a paper check, you have only 90 days to cash it. You don't want your check to become stale! Direct deposits and wires obviously do not have this limitation, so if you qualify for direct deposit, we highly recommend that you sign up for it.
Accounts that are paid via direct deposit (U.S. or International) are eligible for payments once per week or once every two weeks. All other accounts receive payments once every two weeks. Pay period end times and payment send dates are dependent upon your selected Payment Frequency, but will always be at midnight at the beginning of the day on a Wednesday (either weekly or bi-weekly).
Additionally, you will receive a separate payment for each ClickBank account you have. Remember, all changes to payment details will adhere to the Payment Change Deadlines.
(For additional information on how paychecks are calculated and other frequently asked questions, log into your ClickBank account, click on "Help Center", then "Paychecks" under "Account Help".)
How do I sign up for a Free Clickbank Account and get a Clickbank ID?
To sign up for an account, go to:
Click on the "More Details..." link under "Promote Products & Earn Commission Today!". Click on the "Sign Up as a ClickBank affiliate" link. After you fill in your contact info, you will "Select a nickname for your new account". The nickname you choose will be the "ClickBank ID" for your account.
I purchased an upgrade to my membership, but didn't get the download email?
To view the upgrade(s) to your membership, simply log in to the site and look for the following:
For the "Traffic Library", click on the "Traffic Library" link.
For "Automated Leads", click on the "Scripts" down arrow, then on "Automated Leads".
How do I cancel my membership?
There are two ways you can cancel your membership at Automated Traffic:
#1. You can cancel your recurring membership at any time with the simple click of a button in your member’s area. Click on the “Profile” tab at the top of the page. Scroll down to the Manage Your Subscription portion:
Simply click on the "Cancel Membership" button.
#2. You can also cancel your recurring membership at by clicking on the email you received from Clickbank at the time of your purchase. The subject line should look like this:
Receipt for your ClickBank Order #XXXXXXXX
There will be a section in the email titled: CUSTOMER SERVICE
That section will contain a link unique to your purchase that will connect you directly to a page at ClickBank with your order details. You can click to "Get Support" from that page.
If for some reason you are not able to locate your email receipt, you can also go directly to your account at ClickBank, click on "Help Center", then look for the "Account Help" section.
Here is a direct link for customer ClickBank inquiries:
(You will need to follow #2. if you wish to obtain a refund.)
Here are ClickBank's Return And Cancellation Policies as listed on their site:
ClickBank is committed to ensuring satisfaction for all customers who purchase its products. As the leading retailer of digital products, ClickBank relies on its Return and Cancellation Policy to help ensure this satisfaction.
ClickBank's Return Policy
Our return policy for all ClickBank products is as follows:
ClickBank will, at its discretion, allow for the return or replacement of any product within 60 days from the date of purchase. For recurring billing products, returns for more than one payment may be provided if requested within the standard 60 day return period.
Defining Returns and Cancellations
When a customer reaches us by phone or email, our first response is to assist in getting technical support or customer service for the customer for the product that they purchased. However, in some cases a product may be unsatisfactory to the customer for reasons completely beyond our control, in which case a return or a cancellation may be processed.
If a customer requests a return, the money for the requested transaction is refunded back to the customer. If the return is for a recurring billing product, then the return policy allows for the most recent payment to be returned. Multiple payment returns can be provided as long as they are within ClickBank's Return Policy. A return on a recurring billing product will also result in a cancellation.
If customers request a cancellation for their recurring billing product, no future rebills will be charged to their account. Cancellation will not generate a return - it will only stop any future rebills.
Details of ClickBank's Return Policy
Customers requesting a return after 60 days will be directed to the vendor for technical support or customer service. Vendors may request a return, on behalf of customers, of any purchase up to 90 days after the date of the ClickBank customer's purchase.
Returns will only be credited back to the account used to make the original purchase. If the original account has been closed, the purchase is not eligible for return.
When a sale is returned, the customer receives a 100% refund. Payouts from that sale are debited back out of the corresponding vendor and affiliate accounts.
Our vendors are not permitted to make any guarantee that conflicts with our return policy. If you find a product sold through ClickBank with any warranty that conflicts with our return policy, please bring it to our attention so that we can take corrective action.
Reasons Why a Sale May Be Refunded
ClickBank has every incentive to keep customers happy by providing quality products and service. To ensure customer satisfaction, ClickBank reserves the right to reverse a sale, including but not limited to the following:
- If the customer provides a valid reason for requesting a return within 60 days of purchase;
- If the vendor of the product requests a return on the customer's behalf within 90 days of purchase if our customer service team confirms there is a valid reason for the return;
- If the customer provides a valid report that the charge was fraudulent or unauthorized;
- In order to comply with credit card industry rules, ACH industry rules, PayPal terms of service, U.S. law, and requests from verified US judiciary or law enforcement agents; or
- For any other reason ClickBank deems appropriate.
ClickBank's Cancellation Policy
The customer may cancel recurring billing subscription products at any time. A cancellation means that no future rebills are charged to the customer's account. The cancellation of a recurring billing product does not generate a refund.
Abuse of the Return Policy
Customers requesting serial or repeated returns may be blocked from making further purchases.
Note to ClickBank Clients
This Return and Cancellation Policy is part of, and incorporated within, the ClickBank Client Contract. As a condition of registering with ClickBank and using the ClickBank Services, you expressly acknowledge that you have read and understood this Return and Cancellation Policy and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained within. If at any time you disagree with this Return and Cancellation Policy or any part of it, your sole remedy is to cease all use of the ClickBank Services and terminate your account. Please note, however, that any transactions which occurred prior to the date of such termination shall be governed and controlled in full by the terms of this Return and Cancellation Policy.
What happens if I need a refund for any of my purchases?
Please refer to the How do I cancel my membership? section above, #2.
How do I get my questions answered regarding the site?
To get answers to your questions regarding, you can start by clicking on "Scripts Training" in the "Training" dropdown and viewing the Bonus Videos and the Scripts Training Videos located there. You can also find training videos on the individual script pages. Just look for:

Many of the Month 1 Training Videos also have the information presented in PDF form. Just look for:

If these sources do not answer your question, you can email our helpdesk at
If you were not able to find an answer to your
question, feel free to go to our helpdesk, register,
and ask your question.